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The EcoREFORMation


This blog is dedicated to my family(especially my children) and my teachers.


I would like to continue my own transformation towards becoming a more green and environmentally friendly person. In doing so, I hope to educate myself as well as share what I learn with you in simple language backed with numbers and facts. Some of the movements that have inspired me are the zero waste movement, the tiny house movement, and the clean eating movements. I am certainly not close to  embodying the ethos of these movements in my daily life. I would like to blog about my journey to recognizing impediments to becoming greener as well as brainstorm with you new avenues and possibilities that might invite more people and businesses into being greener. I believe there is no one- size solution to the numerous environmental problems we face today. I believe in the power of all of us collectively trying our best and growing together into our better selves.  

I simply plan to provide a new perspective on the everyday choices we make and the impact they make through thought provoking projects compiled alongside relevant data and discussion of interesting projects I see others do. Some of these projects will be carried out as small businesses that aim to provide meaningful employment and meaningful products. 

Some of the first projects I will conduct will explore waste streams generated in my home and local businesses around me. On the personal level, I want to reform my home to use this information to consume less and repurpose and recycle more.When possible, I want to convert these waste streams into a source for new products. Essentially, I would like to explore with you how waste can be  REFORMed in my life and yours. I am also curious to explore ideas on water conservation and energy, but initially I will begin by just exploring waste. 


I have been lucky to have been nurtured by so many. I am lucky to have parents  

who have instilled in me idea lism, ambition to be the best I can be the best person I can be. I have witnessed their practise of 

kindness and sincerity in their daily lives. They have given me pure unconditional love, encouragement, support in every manner possible.  I am lucky to have had teachers who shared with me their love of their subjects. In particular I am particularly grateful to Sri Umesh Ji, Nazarius Manoharan, my middle school math counts teacher, Coach Boyd, my high school teachers, Mr.Kinsey, Mrs. Yaffie,  and Mrs. Spradley, I am grateful to my grandparents who have rooted me in the greatness of my many family traditions(Indian, western, philosophical, religious, and scientific). I am grateful to my husband who gave me a grant to restart work at IIsC. Lastly, I would like to primarily dedicate this blog to my two beautiful children who play with me daily, share with me their newfound enjoyment in life, and give me meaning.

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